Thursday, March 9, 2017


      Recently, these couple weeks we have all been working on two different projects. The first one is our last video that we've been filming, the Chase Scene. The other one is a website project that this out will talk more about. I'm very proud of how it turned out. We made this using DreamWeaver and interactions that were available to us in GoogleClassroom.

       The process for all of this was incredible easy, starting with us opening DreamWeaver then making a new file. From there we attached the new pile to the file containing the poem and some others. After that we started editing. Going into different sectors we edited each of them according to the instructions that were included in GoogleClassroom. When finishing we would then open it up in Safari and took screen shots.

       There was nothing new here, we just simply followed the same intrusions that we had on our last web project. Although this one did prove to be differently made since instead of putting our latest projects on it, we instead put a poem on it. The only part that proved to be difficult would be the part where we had to put the font into the code instead of where we would regularly put it.

      If I had to this all over again I would pay more attention to the instruction but other than that I would do nothing else differently since I think this is one of my few projects that turned out very well first try. Still, I will admit having a few difficulties with the instructions here and there. Mostly because of how unclear they could be.

       Overall this was a fun project and easier than expected even with it few bumps here and there. Coming up next is the Chase Scene. My finished product (right) compared to the original (left):