Monday, September 18, 2017


You may ask yourself, 'What is an inchbandaid?', and I'll tell you it's an inchworm that looks like a bandaid. This last week in e-Com we were to create an inchworm in Photoshop, transfer it to Adobe After Effects, there we would learn how to use the 'Pin' tool to make it move.
It was easy to accomplish making an inchworm in Photoshop and I admit that it took me some tie to get used to using it like a puppet in Adobe After Effects. At first it took me a while to understand how to move it correctly and effectively but in the end this is the result:

What I Learned
First and foremost I learned how to turn a normal looking inchworm into a bandaid. Second I learned how to use the 'Pin' tool in After Effects to make it move. we were to put 6 pins on the worm in total then as the video went on we would move the points that controlled to worm to make it look like it was inching across the screen.

How it Went
Overall, I think my project went really well. The worm inched across the screen and left, all while looking like a bandaid. If I was to do this again I would definitely try to improve the worm in looks but there than that it all went well, except for the few times in the animation that the worm overlapped itself.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Bouncing Ball animation

The Project 

This is the new bouncing ball animation, much like the one done originally last year. Overall we created a scene and ball in Photoshop then brought it to life in After Effects. Going through Photoshop was easy, creating three separate layers, one for the ground the sky and the last one for the ball. After adding highlighting to it we the transferred it to After Effects. In there we added animations to the ball, basically making it move across the screen and putting squash and stretch along with rotating it along the way.

What I Learned 

Before this project I had never really used After effects so through the duration of this project I learned a lot about how to use it correctly and easily. I learned how to use tools, such as, the rotate tool, the move tool, and the anchor tool. Also I earned how to squash and stretch effectively to really make it look a bot more realistic here and there.

Next Time

If the occasion ever cam where I would do this project again I would use squash and stretch more effectively and add more rotation onto the ball. Maybe add n a sun and make the clouds move as well in the background. Also, maybe I'd make the balls bouncing pattern more unique.

Using Photoshop

     Another school year, another blog post. At the start of this years graphic branch in e-Com we started with Photoshop. I, myself, have never had the occasion use it before and I actually had a lot of fun going through the tutorials that were given for us. The concept was simple. We'd follow along on a video on our own in photoshop. So far with the tutorials given to us, this is some of what I have accomplished:

      Now, in some of the photos you provably don't see whats so 'Photoshop' about it. Starting with the black and white photo of the younger boy, originally his face was covered in mud and dirt. Using the 'Spot Healing Brush' and some masks here and there I was able to eliminate most of the original stains that were there. 
     Then, the one right under it of the lady with her navy jacket on. In the photo that we were given, there  was a tag hanging out right where you can see her left arm touching her jacket. But where, you may ask, has this tag gone? Using the 'Clone Stamp' and the 'Healing Brush' all evidence that the tag was even there is now gone. 
     Last but not least we have the lady on the top with her blue dress and purse. In the photo given you could see to the left of her the spot light stand which, was not wanted at all. Using the tool known as 'Content Aware Fill', it was easily taken off from the photo. 
    My personal favorite tool to use out through the whole process was actually the 'Healing Brush' tools. Spot healing brush was used to get rid of stains and unwanted bits and pieces here and there, while the regular healing brush was able to help erase evidence that a much more obvious object ever existed. I know it will be incredibly helpful in the future because you never know when an unwanted object or spot might sneak its way into your photograph.
Strengths and Weaknesses
     Probably my biggest strength was being able to get through all of the tutorials given to us easily and quickly. But my weakness lies in the quickly part. I'm sure I might have skipped over something while trying to complete the project. While all of my final products turned out rather well I admit maybe in one or two if you look close enough you might find something off.
What could've been done differently
     For starters I definitely could've taken my time more and made sure to review everything that I had done. Other than that all I can think of is double checking that my final product looked like the final product in the tutorial as well. 
What I'd do the same
     Everything else most likely. Following along with the video rather than stopping it then working and also using the tools in the exact manners as shown in the videos is what I would keep the same if I was ever to this all over again. 
Final thoughts 
     Learning how to use Photoshop has been a fun and long experience that isn't over just yet. I'm looking forward to what I'll be using photoshop to do in the future and I really like how all my products came out in the end. Here are the rest of the examples that I'd created throughout the following week: