Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Panel Video

The multiplane animation was first introduced by Walt Disney who noticed when filming an animation that specific parts, such as the moon enlarged when zooming in. This is not good, as the moon does not actually enlarge in real life, in order to make the animations seem more realistic he made planes. One plane could get bigger while the other one stayed short, thus making animations more realistic and more better.

I made mine with five layers. Since this was my first time using more than one plane I admit that I made a multitude of mistakes, the min one being accidentally painting in the wrong layer. The animation part turned out better however. The part that I started with and my favorite part was doing the sky as it turned out the best layer and looked really cool in the end. I built up from there adding a back layer, a wall layer, a medium layer and a front layer. This is how it turned out.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bob the Blob

These past few weeks in e-Com all us students have busied ourselves making a character and then teaching it how to walk. For my character I made a blob then gave it arms and legs, hence the name, 'Bob the Blob'. First we drew our characters out before snapping photos of them and inserting those into Photoshop. After editing each of the photos we then pt them all into Adobe After Effects where we animated a walk for our characters.

What We Learned
For this project we learned quite a bit, starting in Photoshop where we had too use the Dodge and Burn tool for shading and learned how to take out character from a photo to something more animated by adding color and re-lining all the edges. After putting into After Effects we learned how to animate the movements of the legs, basically adding rotation and potion to them in order to made it look like it's walking.

What Went Well, What Could've Improved
I think the walking cycle and my editing of the character went along very well and if I had to change anything it would be that of the grass because of how bland it looks compared to the rest to the animation.