his past few weeks in Animation, e-Com students have been occupying themselves with the snowflake animation. The goal of the project was to create multiple snowflakes and animate them to fall down. The animation would be posed in a way to look like the camera, or person, was looking out of a window.
Creating Snowflakes
We started by creating polygons, which was very easy. These polygons would be about a 1/6th of the size of what the final snowflake would be. After drawing pattern of stripes, it was mirrored over the x-axis then we made 5 more copies and arranged the six in a perfect circle. After adding more details to the final product we would begin animating.
Animating was also simple. We picked a starting point and an end point for each of the snowflakes on a timeline. When it was finished all the snowflakes would come down. Also making a wall with a window on it, to make the effect of looking out of a window. Positioning the camera and then rendering the short video went smoothly for me. This was the final product.
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